Kumpulan Sms Tahun Baru 2011

sepertinya baru kemarin merayakan tahun baru 2010, eh sebulan lagi dah menjelang 2011, seolah cepet banget berlalu setahun terakhir tanpa kenangan..
ya sudah lah "bondan mode On"
sesuai judul yang saya bahas kali ini yaitu tentang Kumpulan Sms Tahun Baru 2011beserta natal. berikut adalah daftar Kumpulan Sms Tahun Baru 2011beserta natal

01 =========================
|        APPY.*.*.*
*. NEW YEAR ..... *
*.==.== .*

02 =========================
B-egin with
L-ove in CHRIST
E-xpect blessing
S-hare goodness
S-hine like the sun
l-nspire everybody
N-ever forget that
G-OD is with u always
Happy New Year .....

03 =========================
Wishing u SUNLIGHT in u’r heart
SUCCESS in u’r path
ANSWERS to u’r prayers..
HAPPINESS in u’r life..
SMILE in u’r face..
Happy New Year 2011.....

04 =========================
FAITH makes all things possible,
HOPE makes all things work,
LOVE makes all things beautiful.
May you have all three in this New Year .....

05 =========================
SMiLE-it makes U look nice!
PRAY-it makes U stronger!
GIVE-it makes U richer!
LOVE-it makes U know life!
Happy New Year .....

06 =========================
Sebelum operatot sibuk….sebelum sms pending mulu…sebelum low bat….Happy new year 2011….

07 =========================
Tahun baru? Gaya batu donk! eh,met tahun baru ya!

08 =========================
Toet….toet…toet….happy new year!….udah ya mo tiup trompet lagi….toet….toet….toet…..

09 =========================
Aye cuma mampir bentaran neh…mo bilang….met taon baru ye mpok….abang….

10 =========================
Tuhan murah hati selalu memberi. Pagi ini indah, seperti juga kemarin dan esok. Syukur kepada Allah!

11 =========================
Yesterday is memory. Today is a gift. TOmmorow is a Hope.  Let’s begin New Year ..... with faith, love, peace and new hope. GBU
12 =========================
Happy New Year ...... May this new year bring us a new spirit to reach all your dreams, good health and a happiness forever…

13 =========================
Happy New Year ....., a new beginning for a better life. GBU ABUNDANTLY!

14 =========================
No regret about the past…
No fear about the future…
New hopes & dreams in .....…
Thankful to God for His blessings in 2011…
Happy New Year !!

15 =========================
Only open HEARTS receive LOVE
only open MINDS receive WISDOM
only open HANDS receive GIFTS
only SPECIAL FRIENDS receive my Happy New Year greeting .

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1 komentar: on "Kumpulan Sms Tahun Baru 2011"

pokemon mengatakan...

Thank you for your sharing. Thanks to this article I can learn more things. Expand your knowledge and abilities. Actually the article is very practical. Thank you!


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